Add existing albums to Patreon

I have recently installed the Patreon WP plugin, and have started up a Patreon site. However, I have existing content on my website that I would like to gate behind Patreon. I would much rather prefer to be able to create albums on my website, and keep my formatting. It appears that the plugin wants to just create blog posts?

Is that accurate? How can I go about setting up albums and locking them behind Patreon? Maybe I’m missing something.

The plugin normally gates individual posts or any post type. If there is a post type ‘album’ which contains the individual galleries or posts as lists inside them, you can lock those ‘album’ posts.

If not, then you can use the custom gating code which allows gating any part of your website:

If you wrap the code in your theme which shows the album inside this code and setting a $ value, then they would be gated to that $ value.

However note that the custom gating code for Patreon WordPress and Patron Pro are different. If you have Patron Pro instead, use this custom gating code: