Multiple triggers for single event with Zapier

I integrated with Zapier to update my third-party CRM database with an “updated member” trigger on Patreon’s end.

The issue is that the trigger ought to fire once, but instead it is consistently triggering two or three times for each event. That is, every member that is updated each month when they are billed triggers the integration 2 or 3 times, usually within seconds.

The result is each zap runs three times when it ought to run only once, which is a poor use of resources (and also charges me three times the tasks with Zapier, which incurs a monetary cost).

After several weeks troubleshooting with Zapier support, they’ve advised me that the issue is known and is on Patreon’s side, and that there is nothing they can do on their end. They advise to review issue #13 in the Zapier Developer Portal.

Patreon Support sent me here. Hope I’m in the right place to report a bug / request assistance.

Thank you!

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That’s pretty odd and difficult to analyze without knowing the exact payloads. Members can be updated for any reason during billing, including declined payments until their payments succeed. Have you asked whether Zapier is handling these cases? Ie, billing is tried for patron, it fails. Then tried again, fails again. On the third try it succeeds.