Check if user has connected Patreon account to WordPress

I want to include a conditional statement in my WordPress theme that checks if user has or has not connected their existing WordPress account to Patreon.

what I want to do

  1. If they are not connected to Patreon show the Patreon button (using the shortcode [patreon_login_button]).
  2. If they are connected with a $0 pledge show a link to the Patreon website
  3. If they are connected and have a Patreon membership greater than $1 show a link to their Patreon memberships (on Patreon website).

How do I check for the instance of a $0 value pledge. I’ve tried to check for $user_patronage == 0, however this causes the output to display even before user has connected their account.

Try checking if a patron connected his or her Patreon over the meta in your other thread. Then if so, check whether pledge is 0 or lower than what you want. Those conditions would allow you to decide between showing a Connect button or an Unlock with Patreon button.