Creators Access Token refreshes everytime creator logs in


I am both the Patreon creator and developer of my app.

My app was behaving fine but since today, whenever I log in, my creator access token and refresh token refresh.

These tokens are different from my login access token.

I refresh user access tokens using the API only when they are about to expire.

Is there API documentation on how to refresh the creators access token precisely?

Right now I have them stored in app settings and they are not dynamically updated in code.

It feels like my creator access token should be updated independently of my user access token.

I’ve seen a similar post - Creator's Access Token refreshes all the time

But this doesn’t seem to have a conclusive answer.

Thank you in advance for help.

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This is an issue that’s being investigated.

Any progress on this issue? I am still experiencing major issues with it.

This is being investigated at the moment. What is causing this was already identified. A fix is being investigated.