Using cURL in PHP, if I extract the info using this URL:
$URL = "https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/campaigns/".$campaign_id."/members?include=currently_entitled_tiers,address,user&fields%5Bmember%5D=full_name,is_follower,email,last_charge_date,last_charge_status,lifetime_support_cents,currently_entitled_amount_cents,patron_status&fields%5Btier%5D=amount_cents,created_at,patron_count,published,published_at,title,url&page%5Bcount%5D=1000";
I get all my patreons info and at the end, this info:
[10322331] => Array
[patron_count] => 22
[amount_cents] => 0
[title] => Free
[3711560] => Array
[patron_count] => 11
[amount_cents] => 100
[title] => Tier Name 1
[3711571] => Array
[patron_count] => 33
[amount_cents] => 500
[title] => Tier Name 2
[3711574] => Array
[patron_count] => 44
[amount_cents] => 1000
[title] => Tier Name 3
Is there a way to just extract the last part and not extract the upper part, I dont need the patreon since is too much info and I dont need that, but I need my Patreon Count, Payed Users, Free Users, and Patreon Count by tier.