How do I get patron pledge tier?

I feel like this should be easy but I can’t figure out where to get the information.

I’m trying to let people authorize their patreon with my website so they can get added benefits based on their tier.

I’m fetching /current_user and get back the user object but i’m not sure what to do with the data. There’s a relationships block that has “pledges”, but it seems to only contain an ID.

How do I make sure it’s valid and current?

Still trying to do this, the docs don’t seem to have any information.

I know I can look in, then look up the pledge by id in result.rawJson.included to get more info, but what does that info mean? How do I know which fields I can look at to make sure the user is a current patron?

any news on that? I’m trying to get an user pledged tier, but no success until now.

I got the data from[member]=full_name,currently_entitled_amount_cents then i got the id and amount that they pledged and created an array of objects

			return {
				pledge: u.attributes.currently_entitled_amount_cents

I then compare that with an object with each tier and how much they cost to figure out what tier they’re eligible for, and save that along with their ID to their profile.