I found the solution for broken translated oauth login! Please improve this accessibility issue

I found the solution for broken translated oauth login. Currently when you go to the oauth login page on custom applications and use the browser translation, the login fails

Turns out there is an input field being translated by the browser, it normally contains: value="Allow". if this value is translated, the login fails.

Can the developers fix this? This would be a massive accessibility upgrade and help people.

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This would likely involve the behavior of the translator and its not something that could be done at patreon.com.

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Same issue here.

This is just bad coding, buttons should not depend on value attribute, since that can easy be translated by translators.

If Patreon would care about accessibilty, this would be a priority to fix this, but support team told me that the dev team don’t want to spent 15 minutes fixing this issue.

Don’t blame the translator :slight_smile:

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Im pretty sure if they use numbers instead of words it would already just work. Using browser translation is very common for our users, as our application is used across the world. This looks like a very easy thing to solve, the answer is in the post.

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Anyone knows if we can contribute ourself to the codebase? I would love to code this change for them, if the dev doesn’t have time (or don’t care…).

It would improve accessibility for many users, and our integration.

hey I was wondering, is there any development update on this? Is it hard?

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@markk I don’t think there are any developers from Patreon itself here.