Test webhooks are inconsistent with the actual hooks

I encountered this issue with test webhook responses you get from triggering “Send Test” from webhook page.

The data you get is not in the same format/structure as the one in the docs or the one you get from real triggers.

Just as example here is what you get from “Send test”:

 "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "full_name": "dasdasd",
            "patron_status": "active_patron",
            "pledge_amount_cents": 250,

And here is what you get from actual triggers(or what is in the docs):

 "attributes": {
            "currently_entitled_amount_cents": 500,
            "email": "email@email.com",
            "full_name": "dasdasd",
            "patron_status": "active_patron",
  • First of all pledge_amount_cents is actually currently_entitled_cents.
  • Second email is missing from the test response.
  • If you dig deeper there is actually email missing in included(user)->attributes->email in the real response. [it is present in the test one]

Those are the ones i found. It would be nice to have test responses be in the same format as the real ones.