About the Introduce Yourself category

Introduce yourself to other Patreon developers! Talk about your skills, how you came here, are you also a creator, links to your work, etc. Feel free to self-promote here, not shamelessly though :wink:

Team member introductions, Linkedin, etc. can also go here.

Hi there! My name is Tal and I’m a product manager on the Growth & Platform team at Patreon.

Before Patreon, I worked on open-source developer growth for DuckDuckGo, at Wix.com, and was founding engineer at Ecquire.

I’m super interested in this community’s thoughts, feedback (positive and brutal), and ideas for our roadmap.

Fun fact: At Starbucks I say my name is Tom.

PS You can read about the inner workings of Patreon teams at http://www.patreonhq.com - our team writes here quite a bit.