"Form security field expired - please refresh the page and try again"


I installed the plugin for Wordpress, I have the V2 API version and when syncing the posts, I got this error message: “Form security field expired - please refresh the page and try again”

Can someone help me to resolve the issue.
Thank you.

Does this happen every moment you start installing the plugin via setup wizard? Did you go back and forth in between pages?

Confirmed - thats a bug. Will be fixed soon.

Thank you.
I have tried to install and reinstall and always got the same error message. I am glag you could identify it.
Bests regards,

Just update the plugin to 1.7.1 (just released) from your WP admin, refresh that page and you should be able to go through.

Great thank you, I updated and don’t have any more error message.

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