Keycloak -> Patreon?

Has anyone already connected a keycloak instance with patreon?

Keycloak is an open source identity and access management server. So people can use it to not create authentication and authorization themselfs eg when building a web app with user login.

Keycloak comes with identity brokering built in. So you can configure that your users can log in via google, facebook, github etc as well.

You can also do account linking. So users can link their patreon account to their account on the keyclaok instance. This is exactly what I need to give access to more features for my patreons.
Unfortunately there is no Patreon Identity Provider available yet in keyclaok and the keycloak documentation to build a custom provider is …let’s say …short.

I have managed to connect the accounts but still need to build the part that maps the data retrieved from the patreon oAuth2 API to a keycloak role.

So again
Has anyone already connected a keycloak instance with patreon or is working on it?

You should be able to connect anything by using the oAuth spec. You could look at other oAuth2 providers in that identity provider and imitate their patterns.

Hi, thanks for your answer!

That is exactly what I am trying to do. It is just not as easy as it sounds. The problem is in the details, as always.

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