Android Studio (Get active Patreon information)

Hello, I was wondering if Patreon currently offers support for Android Studio App integration or if there are plans to offer support in the future.

Basically I need a way to fetch a list of emails or other identifying information of active Patreons so all they have to do is enter the email they signed up with in my app to go ad-free. Then each time they open the app check the list of active Patreon emails to make sure they are still subscriped.

So the logic would work something like this.
-Prompt users that want to go add free to become my Patreon in app. (I can do this already)
-Prompt user to enter their Patreon email (or other Patreon info) they signed up with. (I can do this already)
-Check if user is currently an active Patreon. (This is what I need)
-If they are a Patreon do not show ads.(I can do this)

If anyone has a method or work around to make this happen please let me know! Thank you.

As i mentioned in the other thread, more advanced and smooth logic than that is possible for offline apps. Just check various relevant threads listed in the below topic: