Fetching all active patrons using Creator's Access Token

Can someone point me to a working URL+params of how to get all my current paying patrons’ ids using my Creator’s Access Token (without going through OAuth)

Try reading this code example:

Thanks, but that code doesn’t help. It assumes you already have the campaign_id, but does not show how do you get the campaign_id.
I tried the following:

  1. https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/identity?fields[user]=email,created,first_name,full_name&include=memberships&fields[member]=patron_status,next_charge_date,pledge_cadence
    &include=campaigns&fields[campaign]=campaign_id // I tried the id instead of campaign_id too
    {“errors”:[{“challenge_metadata”:null,“code”:1,“code_name”:“ParameterInvalidOnType”,“detail”:“Invalid parameter for ‘fields[campaign]’ on type user: [‘id’].”,“id”:“f634e4cf-6058-561f-b2d0-c6d937061881”,“status”:“400”,“title”:“Invalid value for parameter ‘fields[campaign]’.”}]}

  2. https://www.patreon.com/api/oauth2/v2/campaigns?fields[campaign]=id
    {“errors”:[{“challenge_metadata”:null,“code”:1,“code_name”:“Unauthorized”,“detail”:“The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the URL requested. You either supplied the wrong credentials (e.g. a bad password), or your browser doesn’t understand how to supply the credentials required.”,“id”:“812d18c1-1f31-50d1-921f-83de08f73687”,“status”:“401”,“title”:“Unauthorized”}]}

Here I tried both Creator Access Token and the regular access token, and both failed

The patreon documentation page does not seem to show how to get the campaign_id either.

I have only 1 campaign, and it is not likely to change. How do I get it?
I looked for my campaign id on Patreon.com inside my creator page, client and api keys etc, but it does not appear anywhere…

Campaign id can be acquired by getting the campaigns of the user with a properly scoped token by calling /campaigns endpoint with it. So you can use your creator access token to call /campaigns and get the id.