Sorry - No authorization code received from Patreon

I’m trying to conect ‘Patreon Wordpress’ by wizzard mode but a receibed this error: Sorry - No authorization code received from Patreon.

I do not have any app created in Patreon.


Did this happen while you were running the setup wizard for the first time?

Yes and i was logged in Patreon like the instructions.


Do you have any redirect plugins, oAuth plugins, or any plugins which modify POST, GET variables at your site?

This happens when the page at your site cannot get a variable called ‘code’ when you return from Patreon permission confirmation.

It’s possible. how can i resolve this without change other plugin or configuration?

If there is any plugin that modifies oAuth, _REQUEST/_POST/_GET or redirections, that couldnt be solved without sorting out those plugins interfering with the connection. Even if you somehow connected your site, they would interfere with the users’ login procedure this time.