Patreon plug in for Blogspot/Blogger

Hey all, hope you are all well! I have a blog on blogspot and I would like to add a Patreon button similar to the Wordpress plugin. Is the Wordpress plugin compatible on blogspot? And if not, is there one for the blogspot platform? I’m very new to all this so apologies if I am using the incorrect terminology! Basically, I need a button that looks professional that takes my readers to my Patreon page so they can make a pledge. Thanks in advance for any help! LozDriz

PW is for WordPress and as far as i know, blogspot is not a compatible platform.

Therefore you cant use Patreon WordPress’ content locking functions, and the free Button and Widgets plugin wouldnt work there either.

But there is a button javascript which you can somehow add to your blogspot site, which i included below.

<a href=“” data-patreon-widget-type=“become-patron-button”>Become a Patron!</a><script async src=“”></script>

Technically i would recommend that you move to WordPress on a reasonably priced web hosting provider so you can have total freedom.

Hi Ozgur,

Thanks for your response but unfortunately none of this makes any sense to someone like myself. I don’t understand why Patreon would keep all their plugins only for wordpress - not everyone is going to use/like wordpress, it just seems quite limiting. I have an established blog on blogspot and if i do move to wordpress i lose all my data so it’s not feasible to do that. The link for javascript you copied didn’t work - I assume it was just for me to copy and paste?



I have an established blog on blogspot and if i do move to wordpress i lose all my data

Thats very unlikely. Blogspot has much less features than WP platform, and it makes losing data less likely. So much that there are easy tutorials to migrate from blogspot to wordpress without losing search ranking.

The link for javascript you copied didn’t work - I assume it was just for me to copy and paste?

Yes, but this may be due to a limitation at blogspot. If they provide support, you can contact their support and ask about this.