Patreon Post are synching days later

I’m only using Patreon Wordpress now, but had patron pro on and off. For over a eyar I’ve been having trouble with my pateon post synching to wordpress.

This happen before pgrading to Patron Pro someimte last year. Since then i have restarted my wrbsite. deleted my autho twice. in hopes of getting bback to how it was intially.

Initially when I dowloaded pateron wordpress last july 2023/August 2023, When i posted on patreon it immediatley posted on Wordpress even ehen uploadeing my past patreon psot from over the years.

Now it either doesnt’ sycn.


synchs and pulsigh the post 4 hours later. (which would of been fine, not ideal, but could live iwith it)
but now for the past year it

syncs to wordpress to be scheducle, but wont’ publish. (will say it missed its schedule time.)

syncs but shcedules for two days later or something and then publishes. (This is most recent.)

Cron looks good, it shows that ists updating, it just not happening. There are not “bugs” that show up in the cron report from WP or Patreon health checker.

I’m not even sure why the post are begin scheduled as I dont’ see an option for that.

I want to start working on my Podcast via Patreon so I need these post to hit the wordpress pronto.

DM me your campaign, your WP site urls and I’ll take a look into what happened to your site’s post webhooks.

(but you have to send them while the issue is still happening)