Patron Pro Plugin Q: Tier price incorrect on locked posts

I am using the Patron Plugin Pro to lock content on my website and create a News feed of Patreon updates. For some reason, the required level price on locked posts isn’t pulling the actual level price and is using “$1” instead.

I’ve tried adjusting this using ‘$patreonlevelrequirement’ and it still says $1.

Here is a link to an example post:🔥/

Attached is a screenshot.

The top line is custom text that I added in the “Custom Interface” tab. The second line + button is auto-populating and I can’t figure out where to edit.

Also, is there a better place other than Codebard’s website to submit support tickets? I can’t seem to get a response to my tickets and using the plugin is becoming incredibly frustrating but the website I’m building is relying heavily on the plugin (hindsight would have been really useful here).

I just noticed that this is ONLY the case in the News feed which is auto populated from Patreon posts onto the website.

When I lock whole pages manually the correct tier price is displayed to non-patrons.

Now, if this is a synced post from Patreon, yes, the $ levels will come as $1 only. This is because Patreon api yet does not return proper tier info for locked posts.

If your ticket encountered issues at Codebard site, you can just mail If you can forward me your ticket number (via email above) i can look into what went wrong with the ticket.

@codebard Thanks for the reply. Could you tell me how to simply remove the dollar amount from the synced posts? A more generic message not mentioning tier amounts could work here.

Currently the only way to do that is by setting the tier in each synced post. It will be easier when api starts returning the tier and $ value for a post, but for now this is how it can be done.

Alternatively you can use the existing filters to filter entire message and replace it with something:



These two filters should allow you to filter both messages over and under the button.

@codebard Sorry, I’m not sure how to edit the output for these filters. I don’t have any experience modifying or making plugins, hopefully, your solution doesn’t involve that route.

Is there an eta on when the api will start returning the tier and $ value for a post?

This is something that the team is aware of but there isnt a plan in action to address it yet. It may take some months before its available.

Just to clarify before I give up on this issue; are you saying that there’s no way to change the message that is displayed on locked posts that are populated from Patreon other than creating a new plugin?

You dont need to create a new plugin to use filters/actions. People create ‘new plugins’ (an empty plugin, you can find one and download from internet) and put such code in them for convenience and backwards compatibility.

Otherwise you can just put your code into your theme’s function.php as well, but it would get overwritten when you update your theme. That’s why people put them in separate ‘plugins’.

Just check out ‘using wordpress filters’ on Google.You’ll find many tutorials.