Users must keep logging into WordPress

A user complained that they have to authorize the use of Patreon with WordPress every time they go from Patreon to my site to view a Patron-only article. I tried it myself and I see what they mean. If I go to an article on my site from Patreon, I need to click the Unlock with Patreon button, authorize Patreon via oAuth, and log in. However, if I close the browser and try to go to WordPress again to view the same article, I have to click Unlock with Patreon all over again.

In short, there doesn’t seem to be any caching of the OAuth authorization connecting Patreon and WordPress.

Is there any way to extend the time for this approval so that users don’t need to keep re-authorizing? It’s a real usability issue.

How long have your users been experiencing this issue?

Sorry for the delay on this. I don’t know how long it’s been happening - a user just pointed it out to me. However, I was able to recreate it pretty easily.

There is now some caching of the user info in 1.5.3+, however the thing is that if cookies or session info is going away when you close your browser this may point to some configuration at your site making cookies last only as long as the browser session.