Discrepancy between currently_entitled_amount and will_pay_amount

This might be a bug, but I’ve noticed an increased discrepancy between the currently_entitled_amount and the will_pay_amount.

I think the will_pay_amount is being reported in the subscriber’s currency, but the currently_entitled_amount is being reported in USD. Does anyone else notice this?

Is USD your campaign currency?

yes USD is my campaign currency. but it looks like will_pay_amount is not.

I see. This may be a bug. Ill look into this and post what I find.

Can you check whether this user is from a country/location that charges sales tax, (CA sales tax, EUVAT etc)? This could cause the paying amount of the user to appear more than the tier amount the user is subscribed to at patreon.com. Which should also be in-sync with will_pay - the user will pay X, but minus taxes, the user is entitled to currently_entitled_amount_cents.