Gate wont change from $1

Im trying to set up the wordpress plugin for a friend and no matter what i try the gate price will not come off $1. he has his tiers working fine on patreon the plugin refuses to accept the settings, they read correctly on the plugin settings page (pro plugin) and on the post edit page. any post made natively in wordpress gates just fine. it seems to only be the imported posts.

any ideas?

so i figured it out. all the imported posts come with “exact” set to $1. there are a few hundred posts and the only way i have found to fix it is one at a time. is there a faster way to do this?

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Unfortunately the api yet doesnt provide tier info about the posts. Until then auto importing of post tier wont be possible.

You can either add a post meta to all posts from the tier you desire, or you could get the premium addon Patron Plugin Pro to mass gate posts by category, tag etc.

I have the pro plugin the $1 thing overrides the pro plugin

Yes, the sync depends on the api and Pro plugin cannot know the tiers of the posts without the api telling it so. This can only be handled when the api is turning the correct tiers for the posts.