Lifetime Pledge Amount

Under advanced settings of this plugin you get this option

Require a lifetime pledge amount greater than this amount to view this post.

But it doesn’t seem to do anything.

Setting any lifetime amount and leaving the patron level blank or any patron will leave post unlocked with no regard to lifetime pledge amount.

Does this option not work?

So far for me it only seems to be blocking patrons based on patron level with no regard for lifetime pledge amount.


using version 1.8.3 of the plugin

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Lifetime pledge is currently an override. For it to be active, the post should be locked with a level. Then it will let the users who either fulfill the level requirement or lifetime pledge requirement unlock the content. So think of it like this: You locked a post for $20 tier, but you also want any patron who paid you $20 lifetime pledge to see the post as well.

Also - if you want to lock your content only with lifetime amount, you can do that with Patron Pro.

It doesn’t do this. I can set lifetime to 500 and a tier of 420 and in theory as long as you had a lifetime pledge amount higher than 500 you should be able to access the post. Regardless of what tier you are currently in. This does not currently happen.

The plugin currently only checks tier level. There is no regard being made for lifetime pledge amount.

It does kind of spoil the sentiment of just wanting to share a post with longtime patrons by also having to include an unrealistic tier amount. This unintentionally assigns a value to a post you meant more as a thank you for continued support.

So the pro option does seem appealing.

But on the other hand the free version doesn’t even work…

Even in the free version that shouldnt happen. You might have caching or something else interfering with the locking of content. Normally it should unlock with either active pledge from the tier level or enough lifetime pledge. Note that lifetime pledge is in cents and in your own currency.

Also - don’t enable active pledge option - if you do that, only patrons who were active patrons at the date which the post was posted will be able to unlock the post. And if they have the correct tier.

But on the other hand the free version doesn’t even work…

If you have something at your site that interferes with unlocking, it wont go away with pro. So you must make sure that it works with the free version before upgrading to pro to use the lifetime pledge only lock option.

Hey, I try to make a page only available for patrons with a lifetime pledge higher than a specific amount. It looks like the plugin only checks the tier level, not the other condition, the lifetime pledge. Is it only a pro feature? It seems that the free should have known this, as you can enter an amount. But the fact is that it lets in everyone who belongs to that tier level, even if they haven’t reached the lifetime pledge.
Is it a known issue? Is there any solution to this?

It would check for tier level and/or lifetime pledge. If any of them fulfills the condition, gives access. If you lock that post for ‘active patrons only’ in addition to that, then only patrons who were patrons at or before the post date would be allowed. So try to confirm that you didnt use the active patron option.

The Pro version would allow you to lock a content for historic pledge only. Ie, content drip method.

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Thanks for the answer, so there is no option to use an “and” condition in pro either? (I mean active patrons of a particular tier level AND a certain amount of lifetime pledge are necessary at the same time) ?

No, currently and condition for current pledge + historic pledge is not implemented. May be a good idea.

Definitely a good idea.
I’d totally need that for my site as well. I have an archive and it’s growing every month. I would like to open up the archive to everyone above a certain lifetime investment with an active Tier Membership. (because I don’t want people to pirate all my content for just a monthly pledge). On the other hand, with the current lifetime functionality, if I set all my archive to 100$, people who once reach that limit can stop taking a membership because new posts end up in the archive which they can access already. → an “and” Condition would really help here :).

Is there a possibility to commission the programming of such a special “and” condition?

Yes, you can use it by using the filter provided, but it would be a complex logic to implement. The filter that you can use is below:

Thank you, programming is beyond my skills, but I’d be happy to pay you if such a development could be ordered from you.