WP plugin Redirect to OATH and login page FAILING

Patreon supporters are no longer able to access our Patreon level content in our Wordpress site.

We have verified cacheing is off. We have refreshed the keys.

Here’s the rub. People visit a page with locked content: https://albasalix.com/bonus/rattled

When they click on the Unlock with Patreon button it takes them to the homepage of our site. And it does not give them access. Going back to the Patreon only page above will again show them the Unlock with Patreon button and not give them access.

If we have that same person to go /wp-login and click the Login with Patreon button, then they are then able to access the content with no issues.



There was a minor issue at Patreon API which was fixed early today. This should not happen now. If its happening, please let us know.

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Yup! It’s working now! Thank you!

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